On Saturday 12th Nov, the London and South East Craft Brewing Festival took place in Wimbledon. I was there bright and early (9am…) to help out as a steward. During judging, a steward is required to fetch entries for and assist the judges in their duties. As part of the educational aspect of this (yes, there is learning to be done here!), the judges very usually share the beer with the stewards to discuss the quality of the beer after completing their feedback forms. I was steward to John Hatch (from the Ram Brewery in Wandsworth) and to BJCP judge …

London & SE Festival; Brewing Low Gravity Beers Read more »

I’m umm-ing and ahh-ing over my next few brews – here’s a couple of thoughts. #1 Maris Otter 3kg Flaked Rye 500g Munich Malt 350g Crystal 60EBC 250g Special B 140g Crystal 240EBC 140g Pale Chocolate 80g Cascade 6% 18g 60min FWH Columbus 13% 18g 20min Columbus 13% 24g 10min Columbus 13% 34g 0min OG 1.045 FG ~1.011 IBU ~33 SRM 19 Yeast: US-05 (probably) #2 Maris Otter 3.8kg Crystal 120EBC 240g Carapils 200g Crystal 240EBC 110g Pale Chocolate 60g Northdown 8% 28g 60min Fuggle 3.2% 28g 60min Northdown 8% 15g 15min Fuggle 3.2% 15g 15min Styrian Goldings (Bobek) 20g …

Couple of Recipe Ideas Read more »

The following link is a survey that is being circulated by the “Way Ahead Group” of the Craft Brewing Association. It is designed to get feedback from as many brewers as possible on the expectations of people of a national home brewing club (this covers subjects like competitions (National and Regional), local groups, communications with members, etc). The results will collated and used to develop any required organisation to fulfil ass many of these requirements as is possible. If you’re a UK homebrewer, and even if you’re not a member of the CBA in the UK, it’d be great if …

UK Homebrewing Questionnaire – Please Complete! Read more »

This year the National Homebrew Competition was held in Bristol on the 4th Sept. This was the first UK competition to be organised under BJCP rules. A lot has been said about the BJCP style guide (mostly, as far as I can tell, from people outside of the US criticising the representation of UK and some European styles). Regardless of the rights or wrongs of the style guide (and it is only a guide for judging – it doesn’t tell you how you *must* brew your beer!), I think that it has encouraged one of the widest and largest range …

2011 UK National Homebrew Competition Read more »